The Uttermost Nonsense-Now in Japan!
Extra! Extra! This just in! Read all about it!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
So here I sit, using Ashley's computer in a hostel in Korea. Yesterday we went shopping and ate the spiciest shit I have ever had in my life!!! We cried and sniffed out way through a nabe type meal, drinking 4 giant bottles of water along with it as the waiter laughed at us. Tasted really good though! After dinner we met up with HOYOON Yusuke, Yohei and Mario, as well as a former JTW student. We went to a boardgame cafe and played Clue, Simpsons style! Who killed Mr. Burns!!!??
Today we met up with the same crew at Hoyoon's Uni, which is really pretty!! we went to a yakiniku (mmmmm yakiniku) and boy was it good!!!! oh baby!!! After that we went to a tea place and got tea cakes and a green tea smoothie with green tea iceream...mmm. Then the Japanese team left, since they had to be up early next morning to leave to Fukuoka again. We decided to walk around down town a bit more with Hoyoon and then headed home. Gosh I love Korea!!! People going up to a stage to dance... just for the hell of it..
We headed home, stopping by the local 7/11 to say hello to our friend who works there (he is missing a tooth, and is very happy when we come in) and headed back. Only to get bad news
It seems that more universities are pulling students away from Japan because of the whole earthquake. I really get when they wish to pull out students from the Tokyo area, but wen they are pulling students from Kyushu, where there is nothing happening at all... that is just dumb. And also everyone studying in Kyushu (JTW) are adults so they really should be able to think rationally!!!!!
Now UGA has decided to pull out Ashley, Charlotte and Bona! FUCK THAT! So we had a little sad moment sitting on Charlotte's bed.
Well... I[m sad, angry, upset, aggravated, grumpy and gloomy (like Charlotte) and FUCK THE SYSTEM!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
So... a lot has been going on... I haven't blogged in a while... sorry
As we speak I'm in Korea! just came here today (no, I'm not escaping Japan) just having fun for 7 days before heading to the Philippines! Yay!
The trip here was... interesting, wanna know!?! Well I'm gonna tell you anyways.
We decided to take the boat to Korea. i get seasick, but the stupid people who run the Beetle say that you should get seasick because it's a jetfoil boat, so the body of the boat never touches the sea. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. From after 10 minutes I started feeling sick. Then they told us that we were having some giant waves. Then it all started,. I puked my lungs, liver and guts out. For the whole trip (3 hours) I puked like I was getting paid for it. It wasn't until the last minutes I finally stopped and looked and felt like utter shit Great.
Then we hopped straight on a bus (ugh) to go to the train station just to hop on a 2.30hour train ride to Seoul.(eugh) So finally in Seoul we were trying to work out some ATM's when a guy came up to us and started chatting. After a while he gave us his phonemumber and name and begged us to call if we were in trouble or needed a translator. His name was... Richard...
after that fun encounter we had to go to Hell to get to the subway (srly the escalators were loooooooooooooong). We ran to the train, Charlotte reaching it first so she jumped in. Then the door closed... and me and Ashley were not on the train. Of course we started yelling, and Charlotte finally turned around and saw us on the other side of the doors. We amused 2 Korean men as we shouted and waved. Thankfully the train man saw us and opened the door so the team was once again united! (GO HUNTRESSES)
After reading the most complicated directions ever: You will see a Paris Baguette shop, walk to white fence where once was a gas station, turn right. see mr donuts, go to elevator to the 3 floor, then go to room 308 to get another map (WTF?) Follow the second map then it is probably straight after that, you see sign TGIF, Find Chinese restaurant with paint on it, Then WAWA bar. Then see white balcony and Written on ground > YELLOW SUBMARINE.
Somehow this info didn't help us much (even after sending Ashley to the "rape me" room to get a map) So we walked (oh and Korea is f****** cold!!!!! so as our ears and fingers froze of, we walked (to the wrong direction) until we were very lost (at this time it was already 11pm and we were supposed to be at the hostel at 9) So we found a taxi and told him where we wanted to go, he had no clue so he called the hostel and got directions. Finally there, Mr. Hoydong (ooorm I think) greeted us (and payed for the Taxi) and we got to our rooms (very warm ) after a bit of chatting we left for food quest (so hungry) and found Taco Bell. There we bought a shit load of food and inhaled it, cavemen style.
Now it's late so I go sleep. wa wa wa wummm!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
I started writing the awesome travel history here, but then I decided not to. Nr. 1 I already have it all written down in a diary I kept the whole way and nr 2. It's much more fun to hear it straight from me! Somehow it just didn't deliver just right, so I deleted the first leg of the trip. Sorry!
I haven't blogged for a while! I've been having some internet connection problems with my computer, which isn't being fixed although I spent almost 2 hours in the Mac store in Tenjin, where I was firstly treaded like an idiot (they thought I had no idea about computers) and then I got the worst english translator in history. He didn't listen to me, didn't understand me and didn't translate the things the computer guru told him. Bagh! enough of that. Safe to say I still have internet problems, but I just can't give them my computer to fix, because of essay and test time! WoooHooo!
January has been quiet. Yes, we have been partying, but I just found something was missing. Don't know what yet, I'll let you know if I find out.
Hinrik came to visit we went out for drinks alongside some JTW students and I had a blast.
Then 2 weeks later Karó visited as well and we had some awesome Icelandic weirdness time, photobombing and what not, of course along with to much drinking. Safe to say it was then when I realised how much I missed my friends!! Stupid friends make me miss them! Love ya!!
Karó had a very good timing because she got to participate in the Oh so very International dinner, that the tutors set up. We had awesome time cooking different style foods but I decided to not cook traditional Icelandic food. Firstly the eatable ones are very time consuming all know that I'm not serving sheep heads and balls to people! :) Although I wanted to make Kleinur, I found out it's hard to find the correct ingredients here... urr!
This blog is very boring I know. It's not my fault, it's exam and essay time! woop! and somehow everyone finished school already! snort! snort!
But I have something to look forward to!! Some of us (Me, Ashley and Charlotte) are considering to visit first Hoyoon in Korea and then Jo in the Philippines! That's a great thing to look forward to. We might also do Osaka and Tokyo! oh the joy!
Well back to mah essay! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.... a bit late but you know...
I haven't blogged for a while! I've been having some internet connection problems with my computer, which isn't being fixed although I spent almost 2 hours in the Mac store in Tenjin, where I was firstly treaded like an idiot (they thought I had no idea about computers) and then I got the worst english translator in history. He didn't listen to me, didn't understand me and didn't translate the things the computer guru told him. Bagh! enough of that. Safe to say I still have internet problems, but I just can't give them my computer to fix, because of essay and test time! WoooHooo!
January has been quiet. Yes, we have been partying, but I just found something was missing. Don't know what yet, I'll let you know if I find out.
Hinrik came to visit we went out for drinks alongside some JTW students and I had a blast.
Then 2 weeks later Karó visited as well and we had some awesome Icelandic weirdness time, photobombing and what not, of course along with to much drinking. Safe to say it was then when I realised how much I missed my friends!! Stupid friends make me miss them! Love ya!!
Karó had a very good timing because she got to participate in the Oh so very International dinner, that the tutors set up. We had awesome time cooking different style foods but I decided to not cook traditional Icelandic food. Firstly the eatable ones are very time consuming all know that I'm not serving sheep heads and balls to people! :) Although I wanted to make Kleinur, I found out it's hard to find the correct ingredients here... urr!
This blog is very boring I know. It's not my fault, it's exam and essay time! woop! and somehow everyone finished school already! snort! snort!
But I have something to look forward to!! Some of us (Me, Ashley and Charlotte) are considering to visit first Hoyoon in Korea and then Jo in the Philippines! That's a great thing to look forward to. We might also do Osaka and Tokyo! oh the joy!
Well back to mah essay! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.... a bit late but you know...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I have risen from the doom of having caught a full blown cold! All I needed was to die for a day and a half. Not bad. But as I write this, I still have some symptoms, sore throat, ear pain and no willing to do anything. Some would say I'm a zombie, I can live with that. All I need for dinner is brain. Shouldn't be too hard to find?
I have a few more things about Japan that annoy me.. I find new things every now and then. Things that didn't bother me before have started to bother me a bit. Let's have a look;
1. The mumbling bus drivers. What the effing hell are they mumbling about? I have no idea!I even bet they have no idea! Mumble mumble mumbleeee...
2. The curbs. The curbs are so high!! My stuff jumps from the basket everytime I hit one of those!! don't like it!
3. The bloody hell screaming birds outside my window! What is up with them?!? They constantly scream at each other... And I know I'm not the only one going mad!!!!!
Otherwise, everything is good, The weather today has been quite good, 19...huh, where is the little degrees button?! huhh oh well. Nineteendegreescelcius. Not bad for December 1st!!
Enough chit chat! I'm off to make din din! Wanna see the menu!? Yes!
Avocado, lime, salt and pepper lightly mixed
big shrimps cooked with garlic and lime
Served with a 500 ml bottle of the finest sparkling water Japan has to offer. Bon appetit!P.S today is the hug an Icelander day...I like that! today is also hug a swimmer day...I turn out to be both!!! DOUBLE HUGS!!! YAY
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Hello my pretties!!
What up!??
Let's continue our journey shall we!
So Saturday after the awesome Thanksgiving meal was quiet and slow, caught up readings and started reviewing for Japanese tests we have this week. After dinner Ashley made home made fudge that was a big hit for the chocoholics that are all over this place!!! After that bunch of people decided to go to Tom's room and drink and chat. It ended up being the most awesome rave ever! With lights switched on and off by the lightmasters, everyone danced in the tiny room. Some genius thought of trying to download a strobe light app for iPhone and then it was fully on! Best Goth club night ever.
Sunday was lazy as well did some readings and Japanese and then a few of us headed out for dinner at Hard Rock Café! mmm There we ate way to much and almost couldn't move. Best burgers ever! A couple of us also got mojito's and Jo got a bit buzzed after a few sips, which was of course hilarious. For her defense the alcohol content was a bit higher than usually in Japan... :)
Monday was also study day...believe it or not! Japanese tests coming up. Very uneventful day of studying. I took a break and went to the mall to get something to nibble on, and chose the worst thing ever. I bought a "chili dog" from Tully's...never ever do that mistake!!! it was totally and utterly horrible!! yukk! By 6 I started to feel a bit under the weather but managed to drag myself to Kyle J's room to make some travel plans around 10. There we decided to skip Kuala Lumpur and just do Hong Kong, Bangkok, Vietnam and Cambodia. We bought very cheap planetickets from Bangkok to Vietnam and were very happy about that. After that I went back and shivered in my bed until I finally fell a sleep at 5 am, just to wake up at 7.30 to do the oral part of the Japanese test...yay. Feeling like crap I went home again and fell asleep from 12-3.30. Still felt like shit so decided to skip Gender class and go to Jusco for some cold medicine. Then went home again and slept from 6.30-11pm. Then I had to wake up to do some more Japanese...which I should be doing now... heh!!
hope you didn't die of boredom... if not you are able to see some random photos!!! YAY!!!
Neko café!
Arty farty Tori cam photos
If I ever need one I know where to find it!
Thanksgiving without the people..and most of the food...
Ashley making fudge...mmm
Chocoholics liking the pot
Amer doing his Dr. Zoidberg impression..

Hard Rock faces?
Mmm Burger!
Let's continue our journey shall we!
So Saturday after the awesome Thanksgiving meal was quiet and slow, caught up readings and started reviewing for Japanese tests we have this week. After dinner Ashley made home made fudge that was a big hit for the chocoholics that are all over this place!!! After that bunch of people decided to go to Tom's room and drink and chat. It ended up being the most awesome rave ever! With lights switched on and off by the lightmasters, everyone danced in the tiny room. Some genius thought of trying to download a strobe light app for iPhone and then it was fully on! Best Goth club night ever.
Sunday was lazy as well did some readings and Japanese and then a few of us headed out for dinner at Hard Rock Café! mmm There we ate way to much and almost couldn't move. Best burgers ever! A couple of us also got mojito's and Jo got a bit buzzed after a few sips, which was of course hilarious. For her defense the alcohol content was a bit higher than usually in Japan... :)
Monday was also study day...believe it or not! Japanese tests coming up. Very uneventful day of studying. I took a break and went to the mall to get something to nibble on, and chose the worst thing ever. I bought a "chili dog" from Tully's...never ever do that mistake!!! it was totally and utterly horrible!! yukk! By 6 I started to feel a bit under the weather but managed to drag myself to Kyle J's room to make some travel plans around 10. There we decided to skip Kuala Lumpur and just do Hong Kong, Bangkok, Vietnam and Cambodia. We bought very cheap planetickets from Bangkok to Vietnam and were very happy about that. After that I went back and shivered in my bed until I finally fell a sleep at 5 am, just to wake up at 7.30 to do the oral part of the Japanese test...yay. Feeling like crap I went home again and fell asleep from 12-3.30. Still felt like shit so decided to skip Gender class and go to Jusco for some cold medicine. Then went home again and slept from 6.30-11pm. Then I had to wake up to do some more Japanese...which I should be doing now... heh!!
hope you didn't die of boredom... if not you are able to see some random photos!!! YAY!!!
Neko café!
Arty farty Tori cam photos
If I ever need one I know where to find it!
Thanksgiving without the people..and most of the food...
Ashley making fudge...mmm
Chocoholics liking the pot
Amer doing his Dr. Zoidberg impression..
Hard Rock faces?
Mmm Burger!
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