Saturday, July 3, 2010


Knitting. Almost everyone I know are knitting. Tons of sweaters, hats, mittens and houses.*
I haven't tried that since elementary school, where my teacher told me that I was utterly useless and I shouldn't be taking these classes... (well I didn't choose to take them!!) How rude! But she was right. I was a colossal failure at sewing, knitting and basically everything that home aid class taught me (or at least tried to teach me).
I knitted myself to my scarf, I sewed myself to my sweater...and on it goes. While people were making mittens and socks and such (at the tender age of 12) I was struggling with my ugly ass scarf. People made 4 pairs of mittens while I did 3 lines of the sodding scarf. It is safe to say that the stupid scarf never got to do it's job as a scarf. Because I was so effing slow, it was turned into a worm. A worm with red Mickey Mouse ears, dragon spikes on it's back and a snake tongue. Utterly hideous.
But now, 12 years later, I decided, after some persuasion from friends, to knit a round scarf. Very easy task indeed. They say knitting is calming for you, it's fun and you can watch TV while you do it. All I know that it is rubbish. (uh very Top Gear-y, all we know, he's called the Stig...)
Armed with the basics; drumsticks, some yarn and the basic knowledge of knitting, I started. After about 20 agonizing minutes, filled with sweat, yarn burns and tears, all I did were a whopping 3 lines. I gave up. It wasn't calming, I couldn't watch TV and it most certainly wasn't fun. Thanks to knitting I have sore fingers, missed the movie I was watching and am very irritated.

My verdict.

*Haven't you seen a knitted house!?!? noob!