Saturday, December 19, 2009
Bitter much?!
All this, and I even befriended them on Facebook!!! How rude!
Today I went to take the stupid Toefl exam, and boy does it suck!!! How on earth are they going to tell if my English is good when I get a whooping 60sec to speak about some lame topic (a topic I cannot recide here, because of the strange and strict laws of Toefl). no bitterness ...NONE WHAT SO EVER!!
Well, enough on the bitter side.
Even though the Santas have betrayed me and the Toefl was 4 hours of bullshit, the Christmas spirit has overtaken my soul. Everywhere I look there is a Christmas decoration and the classical "outofmywayIhavesomemoreChristmasshoppingtodo" look, shines upon every face. Is there anything more Christmas-y?! Nothing except maybe my mother trying to clean every single corner of the house, screaming at me for being untidy... "THERE WILL BE NO CHRISTMAS IF I CAN'T FINISH CLEANING!!!" Some one needs to tell her... that Christmas will come, although she hasn't cleaned yet. Sorry mom!
My job the last days before Christmas is to bathe my furry friends, Last year I had only one furry friend to bathe but now the number has increased by a whooping 4 legs, one tail and a head. About 50% my awesome math skills tell me. In addition to the fat, lazy, selfcentered and grumpy cat, I now have to bathe a overly happy, hyper but loyal dogette.
Well... nothing more now...
Untill we meet again!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Jólasveinarnir... Santa
Ég ætla að setja vísu um hvern jólasvein á hverjum degi til Jóla!!! skemmtilegt ekki satt?!
Stekkjastaur ásamt smá "intro" LET US BEGIN!
Segja vil ég sögu
af sveinunum þeim,
sem brugðu sér hér forðum
á bæina heim.
Þeir uppi á fjöllum sáust,
-eins og margur veit,-
í langri halarófu
á leið niður í sveit.
Grýla var þeirra móðir
og gaf þeim tröllamjólk,
en pabbinn Leppalúði,
-það var leiðindafólk.
Þeir jólasveinar nefndust,
-um jólin birtust þeir,
og einn og einn þeir komu,
en aldrei tveir og tveir.
Þeir voru þrettán
þessir heiðursmenn,
sem ekki vildu ónáða
allir í senn
Að dyrunum þeir læddust
og drógu lokuna úr.
Og einna helst þeir leituðu
í eldhús og búr.
Lævísir á svipinn
þeir leyndust hér og þar,
til óknyttanna vísir,
ef enginn nærri var.
Og eins, þó einhver sæi,
var ekki hikað við
að hrekkja fólk - og trufla
þess heimilisfrið.
Stekkjastaur kom fyrstur,
stinnur eins og tré.
Hann laumaðist í fjárhúsin
og lék á bóndans fé.
Hann vildi sjúga ærnar,
-þá varð þeim ekki um sel,
því greyið hafði staurfætur,
-það gekk nú ekki vel.
Þar með er það komið á blað! douzo!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Mom: "oh and who was it?"
Me: Oh.. I have no idea, but she had, like hair... and two eyes and a mouth uh uh and and A NOSE!
Sometimes I know the face, and know that I should know the person, but the thing is I have no idea from where.
Working at a kindergarten, a new woman started working there one day. I knew I knew her from somewhere and asked my boss what her name was. She told me Nina, and I went on pondering in my little brain. Nina, Nina, I should know her.
I decided to walk over to her and introduce me to her, and check if she remembered me as well. So I go there and say: "oh Hi, you are new right?! My name is Elisabet"
Woman: " Yes, hello there Elisabet, I'm your AUNT Nina!!"
oooohhhh yeah, that's how I know her... she's my aunt... who babysat me A
this fact was sponsored by my brain....or Brian, who knows?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
strangeness of People
He sat there staring at me truly confused and said: eeerm Bukkake... erm...a Japanese dance drama stuff... with lots of makeup and weird faces?!
Then I realized the poor fellow was talking about the VERY innocent KABUKI play... not the horror of Bukkake ...
Oh the wonders of people messing up words....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Movie Time
First I present to you my music video
The lovely song is called:
Hermanas and bananas
And my new movie, just out today. It's a heartwarming story about two...ex lovers.〈=fr&code=6b31e634e03cec1dec9044761a3b4d44
Sunday, October 25, 2009
videos from Japan
Some kickass drums we saw close to Waseda Station on our way to Harajuku, august 2009 sorry about the sound
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Michael Jordan, Parminder Nagra and David Duchovny or what?
Here is Mr. Abdulla, aka M. Jordan from THE GAMBIA

Monday, October 5, 2009
Ísl-Enska/ Icelandic- English
1. Rúsínan í pylsuendanum= The raisin at the end of the hot dog.
2. Ég mæli eindregið með því = I measure one pulled with it.
3. Nú duga engin vettlingatök = Now there won't do any mitten-takes
4. Ég kem alveg af fjöllum = I come completely from mountains
5. Þakka þér fyrir hlý orð í minn garð = Thank you for the warm words into my garden
6. Það gengur allt á afturfótunum = Everything goes on the back-legs
7. Hann er alveg úti að aka = He's comepletely out driving
8. Það liggur í augum uppi = It lies in the eyes upstairs
9. Hún gaf mér undir fótinn = She gave me under the leg
10. Hann stóð á öndinni = He stood on the duck
11. Ég kenni í brjósti um hann = I teach in breast of him
12. Áfram með smjörið!! = On with the butter!!
13. Í grænum hvelli =In a green bang
14. Ég vorkenni honum= I springteach him
15. Forsætisráðherra = Front seat advise Sir
16. Stappa stálinu í þá =Stomp the steel into them
17.Hver á þessa bók? = Hot spring river this book
18. Enginn verður óbarinn Biskup = Nobody becomes an unbeaten bishop
19.Ég tók hann í bakaríið = I took him to the bakery
20. Ég mun finna þig í fjöru =I will find you on a beach
21.Að koma einhverjum fyrir kattarnef = To put someone before a cats nose
22. Ég borga bara með reiðufé =I only pay with angry sheeps
23. Ég skal sýna honum hvað hvar Davíð keypti ölið = I'll show him where David bought the ale
24.Sel það ekki dýrara en ég keypti það = I will not sell it more expensive than I bought it
25. Hann gengur ekki heill til skógar =He doesn't walk whole to the forrest
26. Fjallmyndarlegur = Mountain handsome
27. Ertu frá þér?! = Are you from you!?!
well, this was fun, it's only literal meaning haha so don't take it seriously :D
Well, I'm off to watching a bit more
p.s I have no idea why there is a Ikea photo there...?

Thursday, October 1, 2009
hello there!
Here I am, blogging on my brand new shiny blog! But what have I to say? Nothing at all! how sad is that? I'm new to the new do I start? Do you people know me, or don't you? who knows? Maybe the FBI, they know a lot.
So whats up with me? I'm sitting on my sofa very hungry but to lazy to do anything about it. Nothing new, (if you know me it might be new to you if you don't.)
well..since I have nothing to say I'm not gonna bother you with nothing, so I bid you farewell for now, promising that my next blog will be fun!