Well, here I was, trying to compose a blog, that is not boring, not going so well I thought, when my MSN Messenger started jumping (I think I should get payed for advertising them). Oh dear cod (yes cod) I thought, probably one of my amazing friends...well...it turned out that it was not any of my awesome friends, it was a guy from THE GAMBIA (not like there is another Gambia...oh no it's not THE Gambia, it's the...other one...) he told me how fun I was, and that he loved me...(I got all mussy eyed and all) but told him a very sad story about me having a hubby. (A total lie...but..you know) well... then he really wanted me to send him a photo of me, and my beautiful body...(how the hell does he know about my beautiful body?!) Well, not that stupid, I asked him to send me a photo of him first, and his...beautiful body. I waited and finally there was a photo! Looking forward to see Mr. Abdulla's body I clicked on the photo only to find out that Mr. Abdulla was infact MICHAEL JORDAN. Very confused I asked him if this was really him. He got a bit offended I think, and answered; "YES, WHO ELSE!?" and then it was my turn, panic(at the disco)ing I found a photo of me...or not...it was a photo of the ever so lovely, Parminder Nagra. Stunned by my (or in this case, Parminder's) beauty he asked for a photo of my very lovely hubby wubby. Dear cod, I thought for the second time today, who is fit as my hubby?! The answer was right in front of me, David Duchovny! (I was watching The X-Files, at that point). So I sent Mr. Abdulla (aka M. Jordan) from THE ONE AND ONLY GAMBIA a photo of Mr. Duchovny (aka my hubby). Mr. Abdulla (aka M. Jordan) found this very nice, and told me to ask my hubby, Mr. Duchovny, if it would be okey if I married him as well.( Mr. Abdulla aka Mr. Jordan of course). Sadly Mr. Duchovny (aka my hubby) didn't think that was a good idea, so Mr. Abdulla (aka M. Jordan) said goodbye with tears, and whised me and Mr. Duchovny a great live together.Here is Mr. Abdulla, aka M. Jordan from THE GAMBIA

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