The thunderstorm is blasting, lighting up the sky with ghostly bright flashes and the wind blows in the willows in the huge, dark yard. In the yard stands also a big, dark, old house, the once white painting almost gone and it stands there bare against the cold, windy night.
A lone wolf howls against the full but shadowy moon in the far distance, but hush... What was that? Was there just flick of light in one of the windows? *
On the top floor of the old house, sits a sweet girl, dressed in a long flow-y white nightgown, doing her Kanji worksheet, when suddenly she hears a strange noise. "What can that be?" she thinks, "Is that music? it sounds familiar, but from where is it coming?
She slipped out of her antique bed, and put on her worn slippers. In her white nightgown she tip-toed through the darkness, looking like a eerie ghost as she followed the sound of the mysterious music.
The chills raced down her spine as she realized that the music was coming from the attic. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead when she remembered from where she knew the music. It was her old creepy doll which has been kept in the attic for many years now. It was given to her as a child, from a very old and strange aunt, which was know in her town for witchcraft. Terrified she ran back to her room and slammed the door. At that moment the power went off. "Oh deary me" she thought and tried to calm her nervs. This can't be. The door slowly opened and she let out a bone-chilling scream as a lightning blasted and showed the doll standing in the doorway.

This story is true, well, the point of me hearing the strange music from the attic and realizing it's coming from a very creepy doll, that I hate... is true, the rest is for drama 'cause we loves it!
*think of kind a Tim Burton-y feeling, tall old naked trees and a large pointy steel gate....
over and out!
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