Let's continue our journey shall we!
So Saturday after the awesome Thanksgiving meal was quiet and slow, caught up readings and started reviewing for Japanese tests we have this week. After dinner Ashley made home made fudge that was a big hit for the chocoholics that are all over this place!!! After that bunch of people decided to go to Tom's room and drink and chat. It ended up being the most awesome rave ever! With lights switched on and off by the lightmasters, everyone danced in the tiny room. Some genius thought of trying to download a strobe light app for iPhone and then it was fully on! Best Goth club night ever.
Sunday was lazy as well did some readings and Japanese and then a few of us headed out for dinner at Hard Rock Café! mmm There we ate way to much and almost couldn't move. Best burgers ever! A couple of us also got mojito's and Jo got a bit buzzed after a few sips, which was of course hilarious. For her defense the alcohol content was a bit higher than usually in Japan... :)
Monday was also study day...believe it or not! Japanese tests coming up. Very uneventful day of studying. I took a break and went to the mall to get something to nibble on, and chose the worst thing ever. I bought a "chili dog" from Tully's...never ever do that mistake!!! it was totally and utterly horrible!! yukk! By 6 I started to feel a bit under the weather but managed to drag myself to Kyle J's room to make some travel plans around 10. There we decided to skip Kuala Lumpur and just do Hong Kong, Bangkok, Vietnam and Cambodia. We bought very cheap planetickets from Bangkok to Vietnam and were very happy about that. After that I went back and shivered in my bed until I finally fell a sleep at 5 am, just to wake up at 7.30 to do the oral part of the Japanese test...yay. Feeling like crap I went home again and fell asleep from 12-3.30. Still felt like shit so decided to skip Gender class and go to Jusco for some cold medicine. Then went home again and slept from 6.30-11pm. Then I had to wake up to do some more Japanese...which I should be doing now... heh!!
hope you didn't die of boredom... if not you are able to see some random photos!!! YAY!!!
Neko café!
Arty farty Tori cam photos
If I ever need one I know where to find it!
Thanksgiving without the people..and most of the food...
Ashley making fudge...mmm
Chocoholics liking the pot
Amer doing his Dr. Zoidberg impression..
Hard Rock faces?
Mmm Burger!