Last week, was filled with school, believe it or not, although we had a holiday on Wednesday so it was a perfect day for a....STUDY TRIP! Our destination was a Balloon festival that took place in Saga. So hot air balloons?!?!?!? yay! But due to some strong wind the balloon race that everyone was waiting for was canceled... not yay. But I had an awesome time anyways, the food was amazing and a lot of things to see and people to crash into!
Friday we decided to go to Karaoke, just a few girls together. Well we kind of kidnapped poor Mark B and took him with us. Around midnight he decided to go home. That left us girls there... not a wise thing to do. Gaijin girls alone at karaoke. Of course a very disgusting man decided to join us. After a few attempts to join us we left...! (no photos sumimasen)
Saturday I decided to join Heleen and Ayana to the swimming pool! It was very awesome until I was kindly asked to wear a long sleeved, turtleneck shirt...To hide my tattoos. Amazing!!! *not* photos of that either.
Theeeen I BOUGHT A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!! very happy, since the old one was dying on me, and this one is awesome! MacBook pro 15" love it to death... must find an awesome name.
Sunday was the laziest day ever...stayed inside doing readings and homework...woop.
Mondays are off like I said before, (I think). This Monday I decided to wake up very early to go see fat, sweaty Japanese men in oversized thongs. yes, you heard me. We went to a Sumo stable in Daizaifu and watched a Sumo training with some of the Sumo that are taking part in the Fukuoka something championship...thing I think...
Anyway, it was very interesting I must say. I like sumo and I am considering a carrier. Must start training soon.
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