Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So... a lot has been going on... I haven't blogged in a while... sorry

As we speak I'm in Korea! just came here today (no, I'm not escaping Japan) just having fun for 7 days before heading to the Philippines! Yay! 
The trip here was... interesting, wanna know!?! Well I'm gonna tell you anyways.

We decided to take the boat to Korea. i get seasick, but the stupid people who run the Beetle say that you should get seasick because it's a jetfoil boat, so the body of the boat never touches the sea. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP. From after 10 minutes I started feeling sick. Then they told us that we were having some giant waves. Then it all started,. I puked my lungs, liver and guts out. For the whole trip (3 hours) I puked like I was getting paid for it. It wasn't until the last minutes I finally stopped and looked and felt like utter shit Great.
Then we hopped straight on a bus (ugh) to go to the train station just to hop on a 2.30hour train ride to Seoul.(eugh) So finally in Seoul we were trying to work out some ATM's when a guy came up to us and started chatting. After a while he gave us his phonemumber and name and begged us to call if we were in trouble or needed a translator. His name was... Richard...
after that fun encounter we had to go to Hell to get to the subway (srly the escalators were loooooooooooooong). We ran to the train, Charlotte reaching it first so she jumped in. Then the door closed... and me and Ashley were not on the train. Of course we started yelling, and Charlotte finally turned around and saw us on the other side of the doors. We amused 2 Korean men as we shouted and waved. Thankfully the train man saw us and opened the door so the team was once again united! (GO HUNTRESSES)
After reading the most complicated directions ever: You will see a Paris Baguette shop, walk to white fence where once was a gas station, turn right. see mr donuts, go to elevator to the 3 floor, then go to room 308 to get another map (WTF?) Follow the second map then it is probably straight after that, you see sign TGIF, Find Chinese restaurant with paint on it, Then WAWA bar. Then see white balcony and Written on ground > YELLOW SUBMARINE.
Somehow this info didn't help us much (even after sending Ashley to the "rape me" room to get a map) So we walked (oh and Korea is f****** cold!!!!! so as our ears and fingers froze of, we walked (to the wrong direction) until we were very lost (at this time it was already 11pm and we were supposed to be at the hostel at 9) So we found a taxi and told him where we wanted to go, he had no clue so he called the hostel and got directions. Finally there, Mr. Hoydong (ooorm I think) greeted us (and payed for the Taxi) and we got to our rooms (very warm )  after a bit of chatting we left for food quest (so hungry) and found Taco Bell. There we bought a shit load of food and inhaled it, cavemen style.
Now it's late so I go sleep.  wa wa wa wummm!!


Disa said...

....taco bell....you in korea and you go for taco bell...
Annars gott að þið komust SAMAN á leiðarenda, have loads of fun

sr said...

The instructions seem pretty bad, I mean, there are Paris Baguette pretty much all over the place!
Seems like a fun day though! Keep posting to make my crappy college days happier ^^

Yours truly said...

Hahaha disa td var tad wins sem var opus klukkan 1 ad nottu hahaha bid ætlum I koreskt yakiniku for sure I dag mmmm

Sofi!! The Instructions were eeerm kind of vague hahahahahaha took us forever... I will continue my awesome posts hahaha