Monday, October 5, 2009

Ísl-Enska/ Icelandic- English

Ok, so in Iceland we have a lot of phrases, just like in other languages. I thought of writing a few of them here on this Tabula rasa and translate them literally into English. This is hilarious I have to say! And I hope you have fun reading it!

1. Rúsínan í pylsuendanum= The raisin at the end of the hot dog.
2. Ég mæli eindregið með því = I measure one pulled with it.
3. Nú duga engin vettlingatök =
Now there won't do any mitten-takes
4. Ég kem alveg af fjöllum = I come completely from mountains
5. Þakka þér fyrir hlý orð í minn garð = Thank you for the warm words into my garden
6. Það gengur allt á afturfótunum =
Everything goes on the back-legs
7. Hann er alveg úti að aka =
He's comepletely out driving
8. Það liggur í augum uppi =
It lies in the eyes upstairs
9. Hún gaf mér undir fótinn =
She gave me under the leg
10. Hann stóð á öndinni =
He stood on the duck
11. Ég kenni í brjósti um hann = I teach in breast of him
12. Áfram með smjörið!! = On with the butter!!
13. Í grænum hvelli =In a green bang
14. Ég vorkenni honum=
I springteach him
15. Forsætisráðherra =
Front seat advise Sir
16. Stappa stálinu í þá =Stomp the steel into them
17.Hver á þessa bók? =
Hot spring river this book
18. Enginn verður óbarinn Biskup = Nobody becomes an unbeaten bishop
19.Ég tók hann í bakaríið = I took him to the bakery
20. Ég mun finna þig í fjöru =I will find you on a beach
21.Að koma einhverjum fyrir kattarnef =
To put someone before a cats nose
22. Ég borga bara með reiðufé =I only pay with angry sheeps
23. Ég skal sýna honum hvað hvar Davíð keypti ölið =
I'll show him where David bought the ale
24.Sel það ekki dýrara en ég keypti það = I will not sell it more expensive than I bought it
25. Hann gengur ekki heill til skógar =He doesn't walk whole to the forrest
26. Fjallmyndarlegur =
Mountain handsome
27. Ertu frá þér?! = Are you from you!?!

well, this was fun, it's only literal meaning haha so don't take it seriously :D

Well, I'm off to watching a bit more


p.s I have no idea why there is a Ikea photo there...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tee hee hee elska þetta.. sérstaklega þessi tvö. He doesn´t walk whole to the forest... it´s like meaning only a part of him does ^^